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Q&A with Valliant’s Lyric Prince – Softball Spotlight – Presented by McCurtain County National Bank

VYPE: What inspired you to play your sport, and who are your biggest influences? 

Lyric Prince: I’ve been inspired by watching a lot of college players from OU. But my biggest influence and inspiration has to be my dad.

VYPE: How would you describe the team’s chemistry this season? 

LP: I’ve played with almost all of my team since I was little, so the chemistry is always high every season. The energy is always high and motivational, especially the past fast-pitch season.

VYPE: What is your specific role on the team, and how do you prepare for it? 

LP: I play centerfield for my team and I’m also the oldest. I have to prepare physically, but also emotionally to help guide my team.

VYPE: What has been the most challenging moment in your sports career so far, and how did you overcome it? 

LP: I’ve had a few hitting slumps before. I’ve overcame them by practicing and trying different ways to get on, even if it’s just bunting for a little while. My goal every time no matter what is to get on first base for my team.

VYPE: Can you share a highlight or memorable moment from last season?

LP: During a district game against Tishomingo, I got a double and started a small rally that got all of us hitting again, and I eventually tied that game. It was an extremely important game for district ranking and we ended up winning it. Other than that I’ve made a couple diving catches the past season.

VYPE: How important is community support to the team, and in what ways does it impact your performance? 

LP: Cheering in the dugout is a vital thing, but when the community is cheering for you too, it’s an amazing feeling that can impact everyone’s performance. The community also funds everything we get like uniforms, equipment, and tournament trips. And I am forever thankful for that.

VYPE: Who do you look up to as a role model, both on and off the field? 

LP: My dad has always been a role model for me in sports. He’s been a coach to me and many others before, he’s an amazing family man that would never yell or get angry over a mistake. Getting in your head can cause more errors to be made, he knows that and tells you it’s okay, get the next one. As an older player, that’s how I want to guide my team.

VYPE: What are some of your hobbies and interests outside of sports? 

LP: I’m an artist, and I have drawn for as long as I’ve played softball. It’s one thing that always calms me down.

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